Awww Fractions!

Did anyone say, a numerical quantity that is not a whole number?  What?  That’s what’s called a fraction.  As an educator, fractions have always been one of my student’s most challenging skills to acquire.  My next few blogs will outline how you can help your child learn how to add,…

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Is your child struggling in school? Soon, schools will be offering parent-teacher conferences, which will give parents the opportunity to discuss your child’s strengths and weaknesses.  I encourage everyone to attend these sessions as it offers the opportunity to understand how your child is performing on their grade level.  It…

Did Someone Say Exit Strategy?

In a previous post, we discussed the importance of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) for children.  This essentially means giving children the opportunity to recognize how they feel and then offering children strategies to exit any mood they get in.  There are essentially 4 different moods, also known as quadrants, that…

Having a Grateful Heart

Someone special sent this to me, and I’m grateful to share it with you! Start your day with a grateful heart.  As busy as life can be, always try to stop and take notice of the beauty of the life that surrounds us.  When we focus on gratitude, the tide…

Did Someone Say SEL?

What is Social Emotional Learning, (SEL)?  SEL is the process where children learn the skills, attitudes and information to develop healthy identities, feel and show empathy for others and establish and maintain supportive relationships.   During this time of Covid, SEL for children is especially important.  During Covid, children have…

Math All the Way!

Is math extremely important in our everyday lives?  My single response is, YES!  Galileo, one of the greatest mathematicians in our history stated, “The universe cannot be read until we have learnt the language and become familiar with the characters in which it is written. It is written in mathematical…

ELA All the Way!

Is English Language Arts (ELA) as important as we think it is?  My single response is YES!  ELA is incorporated into every facet of our lives.  Excellent comprehension skills enhance problem solving skills.  Excellent comprehension skills improve long and short term memory function.  Excellent comprehension skills aid one’s flexible and…

Tutor a Needed?

Does your child struggle in school?  Is he or she frustrated doing homework because they simply don’t understand the material?  That frustration eventually becomes a frustration to parents because eventually your child will no longer want to do their assignments.   When your child BEGINS to struggle, get them help…