Services Provided With Ease

Tutoring Subjects Available

Online and In-Person, Grades K-6, Homework Help & Beyond.
We offer Certified Psychologists because we know the whole child at times needs support.

  • Reading Comprehension Strategies

  • Writing

  • Fluency

  • Math

  • ELL Support

  • Periodic Diagostic Assessments


Why Choose Advance Scholars?


Get Better Grades

Our programs are researched based and our teachers are state certified in all content areas including Reading (Wilson Certification), Math, Spanish, Special Education and English as a New Language.  So if you want to achieve that A+, we are here to make it happen.


Study Everywhere

Our personalized and online attention have proven results. We provide lessons all over the globe! Utilizing the latest technology and curriculum, we are just a click away to bridge the gap in learning. 


Homework Help

With our latest technology, you will enter a virtual classroom where you will be able to upload files, share your textbook and collaborate with certified teachers that are ready to assist you.

Personalized Approach And Scheduling

Our certified and experienced teachers implement a curriculum specifically designed to your child’s goals.  At Advance Scholars, LLC we provide flexible hours that caters to your schedule. Our teachers evaluate each student’s academic skills with subject specific diagnostic assessments.  With these evaluations, your child will then be paired with a tutor suitable to their needs.

21st Century Learning

Advance Scholars provides experienced and certified teachers in Reading (Wilson Trained), Math, Special Education, Spanish, Psychology, and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy, which make us unique as we provide services for the whole child. Our STEM Program offers a fully developed array of well-established highly interdisciplinary projects and other standards based learning activities. Our psychologists offer an excellent program where children and adults acquire the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to understand & manage emotions, achieve goals and maintain positive relationships. 

Ready to find out more?

Fill out our Student Enrollment Form and we will send you information on how we can help.