Fearing the 2024-2025 School Year?

Schools reopen shortly!  Rigorous academic expectations return. Is your child ready? If you believe your child needs some academic support before and during this school year, please don’t hesitate to contact Advance Scholars tutoring service.  You can log onto our website at www.advancescholars.com and complete the brief questionnaire, or email…

Let’s Prevent the Summer Slide

There is evidence that shows children do regress over the summer, it’s called the summer slide ( US Dept. of Edu. article).  How much they regress depends on many factors.  If you want to minimize your child’s regression, contact Advance Scholars tutoring service today.  We only provide certified teachers for…

Heat Wave in NYC!

According to Fox5 New York, NYC is currently under a heat wave. What is a heat wave? A heat wave is when temperatures are above 90 degrees for more than two consecutive days. During this time, remember to drink plenty of water, wear lightweight clothing, and limit outdoor activities. Also,…

Solar Eclipse 2024

The April 8, 2024, solar eclipse was a total solar eclipse, and it was magnificent. If you were one of the lucky ones who purchased glasses early, the slow moving moment was a sight to behold. Now, if you weren’t able to purchase those glasses, have no fear, the next…

Testing Time of Year!

It is that time of year again. It’s State Tests time! I know a lot of teachers, students and parents dread this time of year. Although administrators will tell you their test scores mean nothing, if that were true, why give them? Don’t allow your child to struggle through these…

Does Your Child Need Help?

Almost three months have passed since the beginning of the school year. The first marking period is over and StateTest scores have been received.  How did your child do?   If your child is struggling in any content area, please contact Advance Scholars tutoring service today at 347/401-4197.  We only provide…

Heat Wave

Heat Wave!   Question:  When did Martha Reeves & The Vandellas release this song? It’s apropos of a week we’ve just had. These days are conducive for the pool or the beach, NOT in a classroom on the second floor with no escalator and no air conditioning. Thank God, this Heat…