What, No More Common Core?

Did you know that the Common Core State Standards no longer exist?  Just a few years ago, these standards were adopted by 45 states and D.C.  Now, some states are opting out or making revisions to it.  Since late 2017, New York has been in the process of shifting away from the Common Core, choosing instead to revise its guidelines in the areas of Math and English Language Arts, calling it the “Next Generation Learning Standards.”  The Next Generation Learning Standards were rolled out in 2022. Why do we have these standards? What revisions occurred?  How will it affect your child’s learning?  Stay tuned, we will address some of these intricacies in our next post!  

Finally, if your child is struggling to meet their core requirements, Advance Scholars tutoring service is here to help.  Please contact us at 347/401-4197 or visit our website at www.advancescholars.com and complete the brief questionnaire and someone will contact you within 24 hours.  Don’t hesitate, contact us today!