Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  Seems funny to say that but I’ve been missing for so long.  At least I have been busy working!  Advance Scholars tutoring service has grown expeditiously since my last blog.  I am excited to say that we are now tutoring students in Qatar and Costa Rica.  I thank God for these benefits.  

This year, I have decided to recognize one of my students each month for their academic excellence.  This month, we are recognizing Madame Judith, who has recently been awarded a Certificate of Academic Excellence award in fourth grade.  She began with Advance Scholars tutoring service two years ago, struggling across all academic subjects but is now being praised for her achievements.  Awesome job!

Now, if your child is struggling, WHY?  Advance Scholars tutoring service is here to help.  Call us at  347/401-4197 or simply log onto our website: www.advancescholars.com, and complete the brief questionnaire and someone will contact you within 24 hours.  
Don’t wait, don’t hesitate, get your child the help they need today!