The Importance of Mathematics!

Why is math so important?  Have you ever asked yourself that question?  As a teacher for over 13 years, I have been asked this question almost daily by my students, and parents.  My response has always been the same; math is visible in most aspects of adult’s and children’s  lives.  

As adults, in supermarkets we need to know how much change we are to receive. In department stores do we know if we have enough money to pay for the items we want to purchase?  Want to buy a new car?  Can we afford to purchase the vehicle of our dreams?  Finally, how much interest will we have paid after 15 years of student loan debt?

As children, math shows itself everywhere in the curriculum.  In Science, it is used to map complex biological systems.  In Social Studies, math is used  to compute differences in years studied, and in English Language Arts, math could be seen so simply as to know what page to turn to.  

Now that being said, what if your child struggles in math?  Initially, it will only greatly affect one subject, but eventually it will greatly affect all subjects. Knowing this, I have learned that getting your child assistance is imperative and getting it as quickly as possible is essential!  Advance Scholars tutoring service is here to help!  We have certified teachers available for grades kindergarten through 9th grade.  We provide service remotely and in-home!  Advance Scholars tutoring service is available whenever and wherever you need us.  Please log onto our website, complete the brief questionnaire and together we will bridge the gap between where your child is and where they need to be.