Well, ELA State Tests are Done!

The New York State ELA tests were conducted on March 29 and 30. As a teacher on Long Island, I saw first hand how challenging this assessment was for so many! These assessments are given to 3rd graders through 8th graders. High school students face Regents exams and SAT/ACT assessments. Your child’s assessments never end and these assessments are used to not only guide instruction, but to place your child in a certain category.
If your child is struggling academically, now is your time to act! It is important that children be categorized accurately and Advance Scholars tutoring service is here to help. We provided certified and skilled instructors with personalized on-line and in home services. Please call us at 646/717-1015 or 347/401-4197 or visit our website at www.advancescholars.com and complete the brief questionnaire and someone will contact you within 24 hours. Advance Scholars tutoring service supports the leaders of tomorrow, so please contact us today.