Struggling Readers!

The Fountas & Pinnell (F&P) Benchmark Assessment System is an accurate and reliable tool that teachers use to identify students’ comprehension level. 

If your child is reading below grade level, Advance Scholars tutoring service can help.  We offer the best instructors on Long Island and the five boroughs of NYC.  We have Wilson certified teachers that can eliminate the gap between where your child is reading now and where they need to be.  We also have Duke graduates that are superb SAT and ACT instructors and Academic Intervention Service (AIS) math teachers for first through twelfth grades.  Don’t wait to contact Advance Scholars tutoring service at 646/717-1015 or 347/401-4197 or visit our website at and complete the brief questionnaire.  Every minute is a minute that Advance Scholars tutoring service can help your child excel!