New Covid Guidelines

The guidelines are constantly changing with Covid-19 . Now the official word is if your child has been exposed and is unvaccinated they can return to school 5 days after exposure if they do not display any symptoms. If your child is fully vaccinated, which equates to two weeks past receiving their last dosage of the vaccine, then they do not need to miss any days of school if they do not display any symptoms.
Learning this information does not negate the fact that academically children are months, if not years behind grade level. Now more than ever, children need outside academic support. Advance Scholars tutoring service is that support. Advance Scholars tutoring service offers certified teachers in all content areas. Don’t wait! Contact Advance Scholars tutoring service today at 646/717-1015 or 347/401-4197 or log onto our website at and complete the brief questionnaire. The first consultation is free!