Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

In 2020, our new normal presented numerous challenges in numerous areas. Financially, behaviorally, socially, emotionally and educationally, just to name a few. Families have lost loved ones and many jobs have been downsized. Although, as adults, we might not realize it, children have seen and heard a lot over the past two years and what they have seen and heard can leave them afraid, confused, sad and angry. Adults have learned how to handle such emotions, children haven’t. These emotions can lead to children having anxiety, depression and more. Advance Scholars tutoring service understands the importance of teaching children coping skills. With our knowledgeable psychologists on hand day, evenings and weekends, Advance Scholars tutoring service teaches children self control, how to manage stress, coping mechanisms and to develop empathy for each other. Advance Scholars tutoring service is always here when you need us! Log on now, ( fill out the quick questionnaire and finally get that one-on-one support your child needs and deserves.